Friday, September 30, 2011

My weird girls

They absolutely hate each other. They keep far away from one another, and if they get too close they make their angry noises until one backs away or peck at each other.

But...The funniest thing is that, when they're all taking their day time nap. The 2 are ALWAYS sitting next to each other as if best friends. 

I have very weird girls.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

I can see straiiiight through your soul!

Members on TB thought this photo was pretty funny, so I will share here:

Poor little man

I allow my bird turns outside of the cage as I study. I always cover the top of Diego's cage when the budgies are out and when Diego is out I cover the top of the budgies cage. Today I let the budgies out first.

Diego was eating and Sprinkles must have gotten curious and managed to fly and land on the cage bars right where the food bowl is.

Diego lunged and bit.  The poor little guy quickly flew off and tucked his foot into his little feather:

Fortunately when I got a good look at his foot it was just a small 'nick' 

He kept his foot tucked for a while, it must have stung a bit. But the little guy is back to normal now: Curious about the pink clock  I covered Diego's cage completely then until it was his turn to come out (I covered the budgies cage completely during his time outside). It works perfectly, no one will get hurt this way and it will allow some quiet/rest time.

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Exciting news!

My scarf was hanging on my chair...and then I got an idea. I turned off the light and scooped Diego up into it. I turned it back on. At first he was a bit freaked out, but eventually he calmed the point where he was preening himself, playing with the strings...and letting us pet his little head!

Some of you may know that he loves to bite fingers. Any skin that is within lunging distance will get bit. I really don't know why he is so aggressive. He'll share food with us, loves shoulder rides and loves to sit on our knees.

I was so surprised that all I had to do was scoop him up, let him collect himself and then pet him. I am so happy. I think I will be picking him up more often lol.

And here are some pics (I took a TON--so I will show you my favorites):

AND a short video:

Friday, September 2, 2011