Sunday, January 30, 2011

Saturday, January 29, 2011

For all you Diego fans on TB

For everyone who is a 'fan' of Diego my is...the real Diego!! :D Sweet little angel on the outside, monster on the inside. And I ♥ him!

The Real Diego! <---CLICK ME!!

Why he's like this? I don't know. He has never been handled before except once to transfer him into his new cage-when we first bought him (last summer). He sits on my shoulder and knees-likes to eat my food...but has this problem. If you have any advice as to how to stop it let me know. And don't worry. I do not sit there and tease him like that all day! Just wanted to show you :P

Hi and Welcome

I have tried many times to create a blog and end up having trouble maintaning it and updating it. Sorry for that. I plan on trying harder at it this time ;) This blog is for my birds. I will try an update you on things that go on with them as much as I can.

Also check out my video blog!